Attention, No Free Shipping For Format 20L And 205L
Complete treatment to significantly improve the properties of diesel. Used regularly, the Cetane Booster is an investment by reducing fuel consumption and reducing maintenance costs.
- Controls water emulsion and prevents freezing
- Cleans fuel injectors, fuel supply lines and tanks
- Keeps fuel injection system and pump wear clean (35 % Astm D6079)
- Protection against rust and corrosion (Nace 100 %)
- Reduce exhaust emissions (up to 14 %)
At the cutting edge of technology, the product is ideal for new ULSD fuel and it's adapted for new emission control systems: EGR, DPF and SCR. Proper use meets the manufacturer's warranty.
- Increases the cetane index
- Reduces maintenance costs
- Enhances fuel economy
All diesel engines including:
- Heavy machinery
- Transport truck
- Diesel pick-up
- Forestry equipment
- Mining equipement
- All Diesel Car
Pieces d'auto universelle
- Modèle: Free Shipping over $100
- Disponibilité: En stock
À partir de 39,35$
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